Monday, February 23, 2009

Top 20 Reunion Tips I stole from the Intertoobs

Stolen, OK. I’m not smart enough to think these up. From


1. Start meeting at least 12 months prior

2. Form a reunion committee of about 10 people

3. Choose some people you didn't know well in school

4. Set up a bank account, PO Box and email address

5. List your classmates with what info you currently have

6. Build a reunion website. Only list events, missing classmate lists, a memorium page and pictures. Don't put bio information on the internet. That is giving personal information to the world!!

7. Pick a theme for the reunion

8. Choose and Post your reunion dates

9. Do a search for missing classmates

10. Consider age of class for events        

11. Plan events and tours

12. Reserve sites at 11 mos w/costs

13. List dates in local newspaper/Alumni Assoc

14. Send out postcards at 10 mos/Reservation letters at 6 months

15. Decide on who will do directory & use email. Ask classmates to send a current photo and place on the website. People love looking at the pictures.

16. Query class for one who will do photography

17. Do not plan loud music, better yet forget the music! People want to visit and renew friendships.

18. Don't plan as tho everyone is married

19. Don't plan too formal

20. Plan on doing a booklet with bios or a cd of reunion for classmates

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