Friday, February 6, 2009

Not so much of a Reunion as a Get Together

If you are a 1972 Ada Cougar, we're talking really, really big about some kind of get together this summer.

If you are interested in knowing more, drop an email to AdaCougars72 {at}

Gary Skaggs


  1. I am so excited that our class has a blog!!
    I finally found my Ada High year books yesterday and looked at them for a couple of hours! Oh My - it was very entertaining and so real, just like it was yesterday. I may be living in denial - but is so hard for me to imagine that it was 37 years ago.
    There were so many people I would love to just meet for coffee and just catch up with - especially now that "we're all grown up"! I love to hear about what they have been doing - careers, spouses, children, hobbies, who they voted for in this last election ( no, I joking about that one - kinda) I am now more than ever devoted to those relationships that I never was able to nourish because I was raising my family - which I felt was pretty dang important!
    So, everybody .............................let's blog!! Who knows someone might want the movie rights to THE CLASS OF 72

  2. Okay, I'll try again....

  3. I was able to post a link on my FB page to this blog, I guess we just need to spread the word as we can.

  4. test post as anonymous

  5. I'm excited! Looking forward to the planning, helping and attending of the "Reunion"! As we have all learned about life by now, the planning and the anticipation of an event is usually as good as the event itself! So let me know what I can do from Arkansas. Mail, contact call...whatever, I'm game! Looking forward to seeing all of you. Barry Bradshaw
