Monday, August 17, 2009

Looking for ...

Here is a 'sticky post' to ask "who knows how to get in touch with Dick and Jane".

Hack away.



  1. Lost Jane Kittrell's maiden name and phone number. Lives in Norman, but duh...

    Last I knew, Tom Haley was in Abilene, Texas. Anyone know where now?

    How about:

    Joel Andrews?

    Doug Thomas?

    Thought I saw "our" Carlin Thompson on an OETA special last week. Anyone know if it was him?

    Randy Gay?

    Larry Kimbrough?

    Anyone find Jana?

    Haven't heard yet from Susan Sherrer. Anyone else know her whereabouts?

    Gotta work for a bit...


  2. Joel Andrews is in the Ada area, he's in the phone book. So is Randy Gay. He works at Holcim, his email address is Cathy Henderson or Pat Williams saw him and he told her he wasn't interested in the reunion. There was an article in the AEN about a special track meet honoring one of the old coaches, they had a picture of Carlin. His nephew contacted Jack about the reunion.

    Gary, have you seen the GoogleDoc that Deb Black set up? It's slowly by surely getting filled in.

  3. Have not seen it. Do you have a link?

  4. I need that link too. This is Becky. I already forgot how I logged into this.

  5. Becky, go to and use your SBCGloabal email to login. Since you've been there before, it'll be in your file list.


  6. At least I *think* it is supposed to work that way!

  7. I swear I was cruising FaceBook and saw the name Jana somewhere on one of our classmates pages, so someone out there knows where she is!

    I've been kinda going thru the phonebook looking for folks, but I don't know if it's worth it to try calling people if they didn't respond to Jack's newspaper announcement. Any ideas?

  8. On the page, there are 13 folks who say they are coming. I put up something on the bulleting board for AHS. There is already an announcement up there, assuming Jack did it.

    I think July 4, we start calling folks in the book. I *know* Becky Badgett Fentem is in Lindsay and I *know* how to get in touch with Susan Sherrer's brother.

    Just need to push buttons...
