Saturday, April 11, 2009


As threatened, here are pictures from our last two yearbooks.

No cheating, now. Try to figure out who is who before you revert to you yearbook. Note that one of the pictures "features" a non-72 graduate!

[click on image to imbiggen]




  1. No fair posting a picture of Tommy Haley with someone who isn't even named in the '71 yearbook!

  2. Tommy is with - on darn, I need to get my yearbook, but I won't because I am a "rule follower" -
    I think her name is Susan, Susie, and last name something like Williams or close to that. She was a year older than us. Class of I close?? I can see her so clear.
    The big picture is Jon Campbell who lives in Springfield , Paul Parrott (have no idea where he is) and Garry Norwood!

  3. Are you going to give us the answer??

  4. How fun! I know everybody's name on this page. Now let's list their birthdays. (Just kidding about that last part). Seriously though, Steve Clemmons was 2 days old when I arrived next to his bassinet at Valley View! I think my aunt made that skirt for me, but what is going on in that picture???

  5. Susan Willoughby! (Although I wouldn't have figured out who it was without the yearbook and Debi's guess)

  6. So is that you, Peggy, on the left of Jon Campbell? I don't remember Susan Willoughby. I'm going to have to find my year books. I'm at a disadvantage for sure.

  7. I want to hear who is who if anybody has time to type it.

  8. Hint: We're in Alphbetical order. Begin with Pat Butler,C Caldwell, J Campbell, K Carpenter, etc to C Floyd. I don't want to give away too much and ruin the game.

  9. So I'm cheating, but the photo w/ Jon, Paul, and Garry says it was enrollment day, standing in line to get teacher's signatures. Peggy, is that you?

  10. Gary, great way to at least get a few more folks active! Thanks!

  11. Pat Butler, Carolyn Caldwell, Jon Campbell, Kenneth Carpenter, Gary Cates, Don Chappell, Steve Clemons, Paul Cook, Jerry Cooksey, Jack Cooper, Ben Cowling, Gayle Crawley, Robin Crownover, Brenda Curtis, Kim Doty, Larry Dowell, Peggy Duncan, Teresa Duty, Debbie Eldridge, Dave, Ellis, Steve Ely, Wade Evans, Alan Fleet, Cindy Floyd.

    More maybe on Monday night...


  12. I just found the "Invite Friends" link for this site, so I clicked everyone I haven't seen on here so far. My apologies if anyone is invited who already participates. Just trying to drum up some support!
