Monday, March 2, 2009

Notice posted in the Ada Evening News a couple of weeks ago

Area Notices, Feb. 15, 2009

Class of 1972 seeks former classmates

ADA — Ada High school graduating class of 1972 will be hosting a reunion in the fall. Class members living in Ada or anyone with information about any member of the class of 1972 are asked to contact Jack Cooper via email at (see sidebar) or phone him at (see sidebar).

Maybe we should have noted that it was our 37th?!?!?



1 comment:

  1. So let's get this thing going! I talked w/Steve Ely and he had a few suggestions on where we could get together.....Wintersmith Park Lodge, the Agri-Plex, ECU has a couple of places to rent, and the Ada Arts and Heritage Center (the old library). All would require catering, but there are a couple of people here in town that do that.
