Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Preliminary plans


Here is a copy/paste of an email from Sue Ann Long Jiru to the bunch of us who are on Facebook about the upcoming reunion (37th - natch):

Hi all, things are finally starting to progress with our reunion. Plans so far include lunch on Sat at AHS, followed by a tour of the new gym and auditorium. Would anyone be interested in a tour of AJHS? Just post your thoughts here, or send Jack or me a note.

We're starting to solidfy some plans, so please let any fellow grads not yet on FB that you know about what's happening.
This is the weekend of October 2nd and 3rd. This year, btw.

Make plans now to attend.

If you are not on Facebook, as plans are solidified, they will be posted here. Note that it would be great if you would contact Jack Cooper using the info in the right sidebar with your contact info, etc. You may very well be the person who knows where someone else is right now.

If you ARE on Facebook and have not found us yet, search for the group "I'M A 1972 GRADUATE OF ADA HIGH SCHOOL". Debra Black Otjen is the admin of that group.


See you in October!


Monday, March 9, 2009

This is what I miss not being close to Ada

Sonic burgers are OK. On occasion I run into a good burger in a Mom ‘n’ Pop in Texas, Colorado, or Northern Virginia, but none compare to Folgers.

Jim and Jerry in the picture.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Notice posted in the Ada Evening News a couple of weeks ago

Area Notices, Feb. 15, 2009

Class of 1972 seeks former classmates

ADA — Ada High school graduating class of 1972 will be hosting a reunion in the fall. Class members living in Ada or anyone with information about any member of the class of 1972 are asked to contact Jack Cooper via email at (see sidebar) or phone him at (see sidebar).

Maybe we should have noted that it was our 37th?!?!?

